A Journey's Essence

Adventures Abroad

Archive for the tag “trains”

Step up New York

I wandered through the streets of Paris with my friends slowly making my way to the metro when I stopped to take a good look at the spot which I was about to enter. It was then that I saw this.


I don’t know about everyone else, but I have never seen such an art on a mode of transportation. Anytime I had to use the metro, there was some sort of unique design to every stop. This one here is my favorite; it looks like a crown, and it’s so colorful. Near my cousin’s home where I stayed there was a stop that looked like this:


Had to google this one. I take no credit for this photo.

I always felt like I was entering a haunted house at that stop. I love the Paris metro, and the 7 euro day pass that I used on it (2 zones, but that covers a great deal of the city).

I also cannot refrain from appreciating that metro signs that tell me when the next train is arriving (Paris, Rome, and other places).

Waiting for the Rome Metro

Waiting for the Rome Metro

I have to give it some credit because most of the time, it was accurate, not to mention some signs would also list the time, weather, and if any lines were delayed.

With this I honestly have to say that New York has to step up its game. As convenient as the MTA is, no unlimited day passes, uncleanliness (mild but existing), and not knowing when the next train arrives is somewhat of a lack of progression in my opinion. I guess it makes up for that with buskers worth listening to and by running 24/7..

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